First Week of College: A Reflection
College is amazing. People say this is the best time of your life, and I totally believe them. Everyone is so nice and the energy here is overwhelming. I cannot believe that I’ve been here for two whole weeks! Where did the time go?! This week was my first full week of classes, and it was exhausting. I wrote a post about my first day of college, but I also wanted to do one talking about my first full week of class.
Monday morning came way too early. Well, not that early. My first class was a 9:40, but it’s in a building that’s a good 15-20 minute walk from my dorm. It’s introduction to accounting. So much fun. The subject itself isn’t that interesting, but my professor is great. She actually has a personality, and she’s hilarious. Later that day, I had my first Intro. to Algorithmic Design class today! You probably have no idea what that even is. It’s a computer coding class all about coding Java. I am going to look forward to that class every Monday and Wednesday because my professor is so cool. He makes coding Java and computer science seem like so much fun. So that was basically my day on Monday and Wednesday.
Tuesday and Thursday I have an 8 AM lab in a building that is 25 minutes from my dorm. It’s such a pain to get there, but the walk is super relaxing. There’s no one really walking around campus that early in the morning. It’s really peaceful. I have my English class on Tuesday/Thursday as well. I love that class, but it falls at such an inconvenient time. It’s a food themed English class scheduled right during lunch. My stomach growls throughout the entire thing.
My Tuesdays are by far the longest day during the week. My first class is at 8 AM and my last class gets out at 7 PM. An 11 hour day is exhausting. Not to mention the homework that also has to be done. Luckily, I only have one class on Fridays which means that I can do most if not all of my homework on Fridays! That means no homework over the weekends!
Ok, so enough about class. A majority of college isn’t made up of classes and homework, it’s what you do with the time you have here. My floor is really close, and we hang out a majority of nights in the study room. We don’t actually study. We play card games, Cards Against Humanity, watch movies, and just hang. My friends and I go to all of the sporting events. So I’m writing this on a Sunday. The past two days, we’ve been to three volleyball games and one soccer game. We go mainly to get our point for football tickets, but also because they’re so much fun to watch!
This past week has been great, and I realize how much I love being in college and being independent. If you’re a high schooler reading this, realize that high school is nothing like college. Now that I’m here, I realize how much I didn’t like high school.
How was your first week of classes? What was your favorite college memory? I love to hear from you all!
-Abigail T.