Dorm Room Tour: Fall 2016
Y’all it’s finally here! This semester has gone by so fast that when I looked at my calendar and saw that it was November and I’d yet to publish a dorm room tour post, I about died. I also about died when I looked around my room and saw the disastrous state in which it is currently in and realized I had to make it look Pinterest-worthy in a matter of hours. So, as you can guess from those few sentences, my room is rarely organized, put together, and pretty 24/7. In fact, this is the nicest it’s looked since August so…
A lot of the decor I made myself, and a majority of the bedding, rugs, accessories, etc were purchased for my room last year. Since they were still in perfectly good condition, why not use them for a second year! After all, shopping your own stash is much cheaper and easier than going and buying everything new. All the pictures below include descriptions with links to where you can find the items and/or links to the posts where I crafted said items. Alright, well if I wait any longer, it’ll be January and this dorm room tour will be irrelevant.

Two beds? Even though I live alone, I still have two sets of everything. I used my spare bed as a makeshift couch, which acts more as a dumping ground for clothes, papers, and everything else in between. I got the comforter for my spare bed at Target for $5 when all the college stuff when on serious clearance. Yes, you read that right. $5.
Hand lettering is one of my biggest passions, and it’s a major way that I relieve stress. I like feature my work in two ways in my room this year: picture frames and washi tape. The pieces taped to the wall were created last year. They’re a little too big to fit in the frames pictured below, so colorful washi was the next perfect option! As for the frames, check out my in-depth look at the gallery wall!
Since I have a room to myself this year, I wanted to create an “entertainment” center. Stacking the TV on top of the two crates created great storage and freed up the surface area a bit. I use this area for drying dishes, prepping food, collecting unnecessary junk items, etc.
My desk is probably my favorite part of my entire room. It’s usually a disaster (it took me 10 minutes to clear it off just to get this picture), but it’s where all of my creativity originates. String lights are essential to all of my work spaces and my room is definitely not lacking in that department this year. There’s just something about that warm, ambient, cozy light that makes me less stressed.

Because you read this far into the post, I feel like I should reveal to you that I realized this week that I had to take these pictures, and instead of being a proper person and actually cleaning my room for these photos, I just moved all my crap from one part of the room to the other so it wouldn’t be in the pictures. See, just because college bloggers seem to be perfect and put together 24/7, that isn’t true at all!
Hope you enjoyed! Make sure to check out my Fall 2015 tour and my Spring 2016 tour to see other ideas about how to decorate your dorm!
What’s your favorite way to decorate your space? Are you big into posters and photos taped to the wall? What’s your go-to when it comes to decorating a small space?
~abigail gray