Soy Sauce & Honey Chicken
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Hello, hello and welcome back my lovely Internet friends! I’ve missed you!
Let’s talk about weeknight dinners for a second…
How many times have you spent all day at work, come home, didn’t feel like cooking, and had nothing planned for dinner so you grabbed your keys, hopped in your car, and drove to the nearest Chick-fil-a or Chipotle to pick up dinner?
I feel you on that. And I’m not going to lie, I do that sometimes too. I would do it a heck of a lot more if I didn’t plan out my dinners for the week and make sure that I had either something pre-cooked and ready to heat up or all of the ingredients prepped and ready for me to throw together.
Honestly, the meal I’m sharing with y’all today is one of my go-tos, and I have no idea how I’ve managed to not share this before! I would make this all the time, minus the pineapple, in my dorm room on my George Foreman grill. But now that I have a real stove and a real grill and a real oven, it makes the meal taste 1000x better.
I wanted to write a post about this particular meal because it showcases just how easy eating “clean” and healthy can be. The whole thing about healthy eating being boring, bland, and labor intensive is completely wrong. In the time that you drive to Chipotle, stand in line, order, grab your drink, and drive home, you could have made a delicious, healthy meal that will last all week!
Preparing healthy food does not have to be hard, it does not have to be complicated, and it does not have to taste boring.
Alright, enough of my rants. Let’s get into it.
Here’s what you’re going to need:
- 1 lb chicken breast
- 4 zucchini (each person/meal will have one zucchini)
- One can of pineapple rings
- 4 medium potatoes
- Low-sodium soy sauce
- Salt & pepper
- Minced garlic or dried garlic
- Olive oil
Either the night before or before you leave for work in the morning, trim and tenderize your chicken breasts and place them in a bowl or baking dish. You want them all to be kind of flat and not stack up on top of each other. Add enough soy sauce to cover the breasts about 1/2 to 3/4 of the way. Drizzle some honey on top. Sprinkle with pepper. Cover bowl or dish and place in fridge.

When you’re ready to start cooking your delicious meal, pull the chicken out of the fridge and set on the counter.
First step is the easiest. Drain the can of pineapple. Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Start the grill.
Wash and dry the potatoes. Cut in half across the middle, and cut in half again. Then cut into thin cubes/slices like in the picture below. Place on sheet pan. Drizzle with olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic. Toss to coat. Then place tray in the oven.
The potatoes are going to take a hot minute to cook but keep an eye on them throughout the process.
Wash the zucchini and cut into desired shapes. I like to cut mine in half, and then cut each of those halves into quarters. This gives me 8 triangle wedges per zucchini. Place in a bowl and drizzle with olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic. Toss to coat. Set aside.

Cook chicken, zucchini, and pineapple on the grill.
Potatoes should be golden brown when you remove them from the oven. If they’re not quite done by the time the rest of the food is taken off of the grill, turn the oven on broil and watch them until they get crispy.
Ta da! See how easy that was?! Delicious, nutritious meal in 30 minutes. Go you.

This meal is not only going to taste delicious, but it’s nice and clean which means you’re going to be feeling amazing after eating this. Clean eating and eating healthy doesn’t have to be hard. Throw together a lean protein, a carb source, and a veggie and/or fruit, and you are golden.
Nutritious meals like this will leave you feeling full, satisfied, and full of energy. Plus, it’s going to fuel you for your workouts!
I don’t know about you, but I can definitely tell when my nutrition has been off because my performance in the gym SUCKS. Don’t let food be the reason you’re not achieving your goals. Try out this weeknight meal and see just how much better you feel.

**Bonus tip: prep extra portions of this meal and you can have it for lunch or dinner in the upcoming days! Meal prep doesn’t have to be hard. All I do is prep extra food while I’m already making my meal for the night, and I’ve just set myself up for greatness for the rest of the week. **
Thank you so much to
What are some of your go-to weeknight meals? I would love to hear about your favorite weeknight dinners! I’m always looking for new recipes to try out and meal prep. After all, chicken, rice, and green beans definitely gets boring after a while LOL
~abigail gray