Apple AirPods Review | Are They Worth the Money??
Hello, hello & good morning my Internet friends!
Apple AirPods have been in the ears of what seems like everyone on my college campus and other gym-goers, and I wanted to know if they were really worth all the hype.
If you have been following the blog for awhile, you know I’m a huge proponent of the inexpensive wireless headphones on Amazon because 1. They’re inexpensive and 2. I don’t feel bad if I break them or lose them. Until now…
In 2018, I’ve gone through 3 pairs of those headphones. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not bashing inexpensive headphones because I love them, but it reached a point where I was spending all this money on countless pairs of wireless headphones when I could’ve just invested a little bit more money into a pair of wireless ear buds that I knew would last and I would *hopefully* love.
Luckily my birthday falls in July, and I was able to ask my parents for the Apple AirPods. That’s the only thing I asked for for my birthday, and boy oh boy am I glad that I did.
Ugh y’all side note… if you haven’t listened to episode 3 of Girl’s Talk, then you wouldn’t know about the tragedy of me losing my AirPods somewhere between the gym, the store, and my house. But strangely enough, I still have the case… so, I had to go buy another pair.
And, ironically, I lost them THE DAY I TOOK PHOTOS FOR THIS POST!!!
okay my breakdown is over haha
Are they worth the money??
Right off the bat, I would say 100% yes.
Integration with Other Apple Products: 10/10
I have the entire Apple ecosystem. I’m not trying to brag in the slightest. But over the years, I have somehow accumulated the computers, the Apple Watch, the iPhone, and now the AirPods. I bring this up because they seamlessly integrate into the already existing ecosystem.
I love how when I open up the charging case, they automatically connect to my iPhone. I don’t have to mess with them not pairing to my phone or them not being charged.

Range: 9/10
The range is also very good. With those other inexpensive headphones, the music would cut out if I got more than 10 feet away from my phone. With the AirPods, I can walk halfway across my gym, and that’s when they start to lose connection. For me, that’s a huge plus.
Battery Life: 10/10
Back to that charging case. It’s extremely convenient. I never have to worry about having headphones that aren’t charged. Plus, the charge on them lasts for what seems like forever. I can be using them all day at work and the battery on the earbuds is only down to around 70%. That’s crazy.
Fit & Sound Quality: 8/10
When it comes to the fit of the AirPods, they are the exact same as the Apple headphones that come with iPhones. If those stay in your ears and you don’t have any issues with those, then chances are that you won’t have any issues with the AirPods.
The same goes with the sound quality. Are they completely noise canceling? No. Do they claim to be noise canceling? No. The sound is more than adequate for me, and I have no complaints.

Final Thoughts
If you’ve been eyeing the AirPods for a hot minute, I would say get them.
They’ve transformed my workouts, and I love that they don’t have a cord. For someone that uses headphones on a daily basis, they’re amazing, and I highly recommend them.
The only thing I don’t agree with is the hefty price tag of almost $160. Do I think they’re worth the price? Yes. But, do I think the price point could be a bit lower? Yes.
All in all, if you have the opportunity, get the AirPods.

My Experience using them in the gym
My gym experience has been transformed.
Okay that’s all I have to say.
Lol, jk. But for real, the Apple AirPods have made my gym experience so much better.
Before the AirPods, I used to have to pair with my headphones every time I went to the gym, and chances are the pairing wouldn’t work and I would have to ‘forget this device’ and then re-pair them. And there goes a solid 8 minutes of my workout time.
I also couldn’t stand the cord on my previous pairs of wireless headphones. I would tuck the excess cord into my hairband, but that would leave the bulky mic/song changer/play pause thingy at the back of my head and every time I would lay down on the floor or the bench, that little piece of plastic would be in the way.
With the AirPods, I don’t have that issue AT ALL.
I also love that if I take out one of the earbuds, it automatically pauses the music. When friends used to come talk to me in the gym, I’d have to take out my earbuds, but my music would still be playing, and chances are I would miss one of my favorite hype songs. This is a small detail, but it’s awesome.
What are your favorite headphones for the gym? Do you use the Apple AirPods or are you loyal to something else? Let me know in the comments below! I’m always interested to see what other people can’t live without when it comes to the gym.
~abigail gray