August Highlights + Back to College | Coffee & Chit Chat No. 8

Hi, hello. It’s been a little over a month and a half since I last gave you an update on my life…
There’s not been a heck of a lot that’s gone on in my life, but there are a few exciting updates I can’t wait to share with you!
I don’t have much else to say in this intro so I’m just going to go ahead and get right into the post!!
Senior Year… WHAT?!
Okay… how the heck am I senior in college!?
I feel like it was just yesterday that I was attending college orientation and moving into my very first dorm room…
Now here I am as a senior taking a ton of pointless classes to finish up my degree and being faced with the real world. Y’all… this time next year I’m going to be working a big girl job in an entirely different city.
It’s crazy how much I’ve grown in the past 4 years… Anyways, I’ll save the sappy, reminiscent stuff for a college reflection post at the end of the year.
All things Adidas
I guess now I can finally discuss the fact that I have teamed up with adidas for the next year to be a part of their Blogger Community!
It was such a huge shock (and honor) to see an email pop up in my inbox from adidas… I legit thought it was too good to be true. Was I being scammed? Was this even real?? Why did the even pick ME to be a part of this amazing project/community??
I was able to partner with them for one of my favorite posts I’ve ever written… A Healthy Weeknight Dinner that Won’t Break the Bank.
I’ll be working with them on several sponsored posts over the next year, and it’s because of YOU that I get the opportunity to work with my dream brands like Adidas.
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Caitlyn and I finally launched our podcast!
Girls Talk… is where we discuss all things relevant to a 20-something trying to figure out adulthood. Boys, blogging, school, gym, life, and so much more. We post every Monday morning. It’s perfect for your morning commute, walk to class, or as background noise when you’re getting ready in the morning.

Just this past week, we had the one and only queen of blogging aka Kayla from Kayla Blogs on as our special guest. I’m such a huge fan of her’s, and it was truly an honor to have her on as a guest.
Lifting Those Weights
Okay so a little update on my fitness, where I stand, and my goals for the remainder of the year!
I would say I let myself go just a little bit over the summer. I didn’t like my routine, and I definitely allowed myself to slack off in regards to my fitness…
I put on just a smidge of weight that TBH is probably only noticeable by me. But I’m bound and determined to turn my “I enjoyed Waffle House and ice cream a little to much” into inspiration to hit the gym even harder.
I will say, though, that my lifts have gone up significantly since the summer… IDK if it’s the slight bit of extra weight or if I’m actually getting stronger, but hey, I’m definitely not complaining about that.
My current lifts and goals are as follows:
- Squats:
Current – 105 for reps
Goal – 135 for reps - Deadlift:
Current – 155 for reps
Goal – 200+ as a single - Single arm shoulder press:
Current – 25s for reps
Goal – 30s for reps
I think these goals are totally attainable by the end of the year, and I can’t wait to work my a** off to achieve them.
I think that’s about it for this life update post. Not much has happened, but I promise these are going to be more of a regular occurrence on the blog 🙂 This blog is about to take off, and I’m so freaking stoked for that!
~abigail gray