A Workout to Try for Your Next Pull Day | Back, Biceps, and Rear Delts

Hi, hello!
I’m coming at you today with a highly requested (okay maybe not highly requested but…) workout post!
My goal is to incorporate at least 2 workout posts a month so I can give you new workouts to try and force me to mix things up a bit in the gym. It’s truly a win-win for both of us…
In my 3 years of blogging, I don’t think I’ve done a single post dedicated to a pull day or a back day. Today we’re changing that!
I did this workout earlier this morning, and I LOVED it. I do workouts like these all the time. I stick to the same basic exercises but I’ll add different variations to them to make the workouts more mentally engaging for me.
We all know that doing the same thing week after week can get a little boring.
What is a pull day?
A pull day consists of the following muscle groups:
- Back
- Biceps
- Rear
In a pull day, there are 2 kinds of pulling movements: vertical pulling like pulldowns and pull-ups and horizontal pulling such as seated rows. When you’re crafting a pull day, you want to make sure you incorporate both types of movement… not just one.
A lot of people ask me why I throw my deadlifts in on a pull day…
Well, you are PULLing weight off of the ground. But yes, many people incorporate deadlifts into their leg days. I just like to have a different major lift on each of my workout days. Squats are reserved for leg days, bench is for push days, and deadlifts are for pull days.
Onto the workout…
4×8 Pause Deadlifts
I train deadlifts on a regular basis, and I’m really working on increasing my strength. 200lbs I’m coming for you… Anyways, pause deadlifts are a great way to add a little variation to your deadlift routine and help focus on weak points in your lift.
T Nation has a wonderful article on the benefits of pause deadlifts.
4×8 Dumbbell Row (each arm)
Superset: x4
x8 Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
x6 Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown
The reverse grip lat pulldowns are guaranteed to kill your forearms and biceps as well. Be prepared for that LOL
4×10 Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown
4×12 Cable Rear Delt Row
Superset: x3
x10 Standing Bicep Curls
x10 Standing Hammer Curls
All my workouts are totally
In regards to weights, choose something that is challenging but not impossible. You want the last two reps to be a struggle but you’re still able to maintain proper form.
Let me know if you try out this workout! I’m definitely going to start featuring more workouts on the blog so get hype for that!!
~abigail gray

Want to try more workouts? Well, good news! I’ve written an entire 4-week workout program just for YOU… and the best part?? It’s totally FREE!