The One Thing You Need to Focus on if You have to Miss a Workout

In this post, I’m going to discuss my feelings and suggestions towards not being able to make it to gym one day and not allowing that to screw up your goals and fall off track.
This was a topic that I recently posted about on my Instagram stories, and I got several replies saying that people wanted to see a full, dedicated blog post on the subject. Here I am fulfilling that promise!
There’s no reason to freak out if you can’t make it to the gym one day. Focus on your diet and make it the best you can for that day. It’ll all work out in the end.
We all know how important nutrition is, right?
Abs are made in the kitchen. You can’t outrun a bad diet. It’s 20% workouts and 80% nutrition. You are what you eat.
I’m not a nutritionist or a certified food coach or a diet specialist, but I do have ways that I approach nutrition that keep me sane and keep me wanting to live a healthy lifestyle.
I see this cycle of people giving up on their “diets” all together after they cave and have a few cookies. With diet and exercise, people have this mentality of all or nothing.
Oh, I didn’t make it to the gym yesterday or the day before so I guess that means if I skip today, it really doesn’t matter. ~Proceeds to skip for the next month~
As you can see, I get a little excited when it comes to these topics. I used to be those examples. I used to say “oh well, screw it.” and then be so frustrated and confused as to why I wasn’t seeing results and I was frustrated with myself for doing those things. I’d be disappointed, I’d try to change, and I’d just end up right back in that cycle.
You Can’t Outwork A Bad Diet
We all know the phrase.
We’ve heard it thousands of times. But there’s
Let’s take a peek at a few YouTube videos to see this in action.
Of course, these are exaggerated a bit. I hope you’re not eating 20,000 calories a day and trying to burn it off the next…. if you are, good luck my friend LOL.
Nutrition affects so much more than what you think. Your body is comprised of the nutrients you consume. It fuels your workouts. It fuels your mind.
If you eat like crap, chances are you’re going to feel like crap both mentally and physically.
So, where am I going with all of this??
focus on your nutrition
If you can’t make it to the gym because life got a little out of control and overwhelming, don’t fret.
Take the opportunity of the unexpected rest day to truly focus on your nutrition. Eat a balanced dinner. Maybe skip out on your after dinner dessert. Feel amazing about the choices you make and know that your unexpected rest day didn’t ruin your progress in the slightest.
I’m not just writing this advice as something that you should do but I don’t follow. I follow this in my own life, and it has genuinely made an impact on my mindset of how I approach the gym, nutrition, and fitness.
In fact, right now as I’m writing this, I know I won’t make it to the gym today because I have way too much stuff to do. Two homework assignments, studying for a test in the morning, finishing up this post as well as other blog stuff, doing work for my freelance web development business.
Of course there are exceptions to the rule. Family emergencies, a really awful day, being on your period… In those cases, I live by the mindset of doing whatever the heck you want because if it makes you feel better in that moment, do it.
Steps to take if you have to skip a workout
- Don’t freak out.
- Focus on making your nutrition as solid as possible for that day.
- Don’t let one day of skipping a workout turn into a month of skipping out on your workouts.
- Accept the fact that you’re skipping a workout and be okay with it. One day will not ruin all of your progress.
- Hop right back on track with your workouts whenever you can.
How do you handle not being able to make it to the gym? Do you just say screw it and eat whatever that day or do you try to be mindful about what you eat? Sound off in the comments below!
~abigail gray