Dear Fall, Please Slow Down. | Coffee & Chit Chat No. 9

So I have been absolute garbage at keeping to my Tuesday & Friday posting schedule… oops!
First off, how in the heck is it already the middle of October?? I need these fall-filled pumpkin spice days to last for a little bit longer. Pretty soon it’s going to be all things Christmas. I am not ready for that. October, pretty please slow down.
Congrats to Cristina & Cam!!
I about lost my mind when I saw the announcement picture on Instagram. I’ve been a long-time fan of Cristina, and I’m so glad she and Cam are so happy!
Cristina, if you’re reading this, I’m so happy for you. You’re such a beautiful human with a breathtaking aesthetic who is so brave for sharing the struggles you’ve faced over the past year. I can’t wait to see where life takes you, and I so can’t wait to see wedding pictures!! Love ya and congrats!!
The Wonderful World of Web Development
This semester, I’ve been really stepping up my web development skills and putting them to work as a freelance web developer. TBH, I love it!
I developed the theme for this blog (which I just renovated… do you like it!?) and I’ve been working with my uncle’s design firm to help them with their web development projects.
Web development is my intended career path once I leave the college world so I’m loving the ability to be working in the field I love while still being in school. It gets me even more hype for the post-grad life.
If you’re looking for some help with your WordPress site, let me know and I’d be happy to help you figure things out!
Wrapping up Season 1 of ‘Girls Talk’
Just in case you’ve been living under a rock for the past 2 months or maybe you’re new here, Caitlyn and I have our very own podcast called ‘Girls Talk’.
We just wrapped up season 1 last week, and I have to say, season 1 was pretty epic. It’s going to be hard to beat that when we come back for season 2 on October 22nd!
You can do us a huge favor and fill out that listener survey by clicking that button right there and let us know what you loved about the podcast, topics you want us to cover, and so much more!
Pumpkin Succu-Latte Event
I did want to wait to publish this so I could talk about the most amazing event I went to this weekend. I am honored that Ashley wanted me to go and photograph the event for her. I love working with local small businesses owned by powerful women. Plus succulents were involved so how could I say no??
This was probably the most fun I’ve had on a Saturday morning in a long time. I mean what’s better than pumpkins, muffins, pumpkin spice coffee, and succulents?? Nothing. That’s the correct answer.
The event was hosted by the amazing Ashley from Magnolia Thyme and Loveland Coffee.
I’m going to do an entire post on fall events to do with friends, so I don’t want to go into too much detail about the event. It was amazing.
More Uterus Problems
After doing an entire Girls Talk episode about periods and my horror stories associated with them, I’m not as reserved about talking about my own health struggles here on the blog.
I’ve been through my fair share of uterus/hormones/cervix problems over the years.
Basically what’s going on is my hormones are not making me a happy person. I’m getting heavily depressed whenever I come off the pill for the week of my period and the same when I get back on the pill after my period is finished. My mood swings are horrific and quite possibly we’re so bad that they may or may not have almost contributed to the end of my relationship.
I’ve been on the pill for 10 years, and I think that’s plenty of time to have to take something every single day.
I’m looking at options of what to do in the form of birth control and managing my PCOS on top of that. I’m heavily leaning towards an IUD. If you’ve had any experiences with IUDs, please let me know! I’m trying to do as much research and know as many of my options as possible before my OBGYN appointment this week.
There’s so much other stuff that I want to update y’all on, but I’ll save it for the next Coffee & Chit Chat! How has your month been?? Are you planning on doing anything fun for fall?? Let me know in the comments!
~abigail gray