Christmas House Tour 2018

Guys I cannot believe that Christmas is in less than a week. Holy moly how did this happen??
Finals definitely dominated the majority of my December and I was so unaware of the fact that the month was actually progressing. But that’s just how time works.
I thought this would be a fun post that’s a little different than the rest of my content. Plus, I got a new lens for my camera and I’ve been dying to shoot with it so this was a great excuse.
Now, I know I know that I haven’t done a house tour yet, and I’m telling you right now that it’s coming. 100% it is on it’s way. I’m not quite happy with the layout of my house, but once I’m pretty okay with everything, I’ll have that post up… I promise!
Now let’s get on to the festiveness!!!!!!
I went with minimal decorations this year because I’m #broke and I don’t have room to store everything when I’m done with it…
What’s your favorite way to decorate for the holidays??
~abigail gray