I want YOU to actually achieve your health & fitness goals

Alright so it’s 2019.
Let me guess… you’ve spent the past few days curating some last-minute New Year’s resolutions. Everyone’s been asking what your New Year’s resolutions are and you need to reply with something.
“Oh I’m going to get in shape in 2019. It’s my year.”
Fast forward to February and you’re part of the secret food email list at work to get first dibs at all those store-bought treats people bring into work…
Okay so you had good intentions, but because you didn’t plan properly or genuinely feel the whole “get in shape” thing in your heart, you failed. 2019 is not the year to fail. I’m sorry, it’s just not. #JustBeingHonest
If you’re wanting to take your health more seriously in 2019 but have zero freaking clue where to start, these tips are for you. They’re small, manageable goals that will be achievable throughout the entire year.
Start Small
Start small. You wouldn’t climb a mountain by thinking about the entire mountain as a whole. You think of that first step you take on the trail. One foot in front of the next. It’s about each step you take. Making sure you’re not going to trip on a root or rock. Your sight is limited by the length of the trail you can see in front of you.
That’s how you should approach every aspect of your life, including your fitness journey.
- Start by drinking one less soda a day
- Start by going to the gym or a workout class once a week
- Start by taking a walk around your neighborhood
- Start by cutting out late night snacking
It doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. Make it simple, make it achievable.
Make appointments with yourself
If you’re one to skip out on the gym because it’s not in your calendar or no one will know because it’s just for yourself, you’re dead wrong.
You will know and you’ll feel guilty about it at some point or another. Whether it’s tomorrow or two years from now. You’ll feel guilty.

This is a guide I still follow to this day. If I have a super busy week, I’ll plan in my gym sessions.
If you struggle with healthy eating during the week, make an appointment with yourself on Sunday afternoon to go to the grocery store and meal prep for the remainder of the week. You’ll thank yourself later.
Cook at home more than you go out to eat in a week
Going out to eat is such an easy excuse because it’s minimal work and minimal effort.
Whether you’re a full-time student or going to work full-time, I know how exhausting it gets at the end of the day. Cooking food is the last thing you want to do. The easiest thing to do is drive to your favorite food place, order your go-to, and not think anything of it.
Here’s the thing. Going out to eat a lot is expensive and not super healthy.
I’m not suggesting to completely cut out going out to eat from your week. Grabbing dinner or lunch with friends/family is a social event. After all, it’s how we connect in today’s world. But eating at home more than you go out in a week will keep you from consuming empty calories (I’m looking at you complimentary chips & salsa or my favorite cider) and make your bank account a tad happier.
Go ahead and take a Sunday afternoon to prep your food for the week. If you’re not into re-heating pre-cooked food, do as much as you can before the cooking process. Chop up your veggies, start marinating your meat, portion out your snack for the week.
Pre-prepping food is what I do for meal prepping because I thoroughly enjoy the cooking process. It’s a simple change that will keep you from hitting up Chipotle because you’re too lazy to think up an idea for dinner, go to the store and get the ingredients, and then come home and make it.
Remember, reaching your fitness goals is comprised of tiny little changes that add up to HUGE results. You can still eat donuts, carbs are not the enemy, and your meals will not only consist of chicken, rice, and broccoli.
A fitness journey is full of ups and downs. It’s exhilarating and hard all at the same time. But these changes are an investment in your health, in your life, and in your mental space. The journey is hard. Heck, I’m 2.5 years into mine and I still struggle fairly often.
What you’re going to learn from your first step in your fitness journey is just how strong and capable you are. You’re going to realize that you’ll see more of a change in your mental state. You’re stronger than you ever thought. You have more willpower than you could ever imagine.
Routine, consistency, and dedication are what you’re going to realize will keep you accountable and on top of your fitness journey for the rest of your life. The changes and routines you set this year will follow you for the remainder of your life.
I don’t know about you, but I sure as heck want to be as strong as I can both mentally and physically as I age. I want to be able to run around with my kids, my grandkids, and be that spry 80 year old.
Change your life, make your life better by starting TODAY. No one is going to make you change. It all comes from you. You’re the only one who can make a change for yourself. So stop making excuses, find your reason, and jump on that fitness journey train.
I hope you have an amazing New Year and you might just consider actually making that “get in shape”
~abigail gray