Coffee & Chit Chat No. 11
JORD kindly sent over a watch for me to include in this post. All opinions are my own.

Whooo first life update of 2019!!
2019 has already been filled with so many ups and downs. Like honestly, if the whole year is like this, I’m going to be an emotional wreck by the end of it.
Totally stealing my coffee & chit chat sections from Gabby because I live for her What’s the Roast updates.
Coffee & Chit Chat: Life

Work Trip to Denver, CO
At the beginning of January, I took a trip out to Denver, CO, for a work trip. My first ever work trip!
I do freelance web development as a #sidehustle, and I receive a lot of my work through my uncle’s design group. They’re based out of Denver, CO, so we decided to fly me out there, meet the team, and work for a week on some of their projects.
It was a week of work, but also a week of relaxing and trying so many different coffee shops. I LIVE for aesthetic coffee shops, and Denver definitely doesn’t have a shortage of those. My aunt and I went on a self-created coffee tour. We hit up Allegro Coffee Roasters and Huckleberry Coffee. Both were amazing!
I loved being able to get out of Columbia for a little bit and hang with my family that I don’t get to see that often.
Tom & Potato
If you follow me on Instagram, you probably know the sad news that I’m about to reveal. Tom is no longer with us. He has passed on into kitty heaven and is living a joyful existence full of wet cat food, catnip, and all the toys he could ever imagine. His 10 months on this earth were so full of life and love, and I know he is still with me in spirit.
While the whole situation is heartbreaking, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. The best case of a worst case scenario as I like to say.
About a week before Tom passed, this other cat showed up at our house and would play with Tom all day. He would stick around even at night, and eventually he straight up came in the house and started playing with Tom’s toys. We named him Potato.
Well, Potato never left. I took him to the vet, and he’s not chipped or fixed so he’s ours now. He’s loving his new life as my adopted child, and he’s super picky about only eating wet food (RIP my wallet). He sleeps next to me every night, he loves soft blankets, and he has the most pitiful meow you’ve ever heard. Potato has been a tremendous help for me as I process Tom’s passing.
I’m not a very spiritual or religious person, but Potato came into my life for a reason, and I am so thankful to whatever higher power is out there that placed him in my life.

Podcast Giveaway
Onto some more lighter news, Caitlyn and I are hosting a giveaway on our podcast!! Girl’s Talk is giving away FREE podcast stickers to anyone who rates and/or reviews our podcast and sends us a screenshot of the review/rating.
Yes, it’s free and everyone wins. We have a bunch of stickers to give away, so if you haven’t entered, now is your chance!
Coffee & Chit Chat: Current Loves
JORD Watches
I am teaming up with JORD to bring you a cchance to win a $100 gift card to use towards your very own watch. Trust me, you’re not going to want to miss out on this.
The watches
– JORDare a sophisticated mix of natural, and largely re-claimed materials, combined with quality movements and components.
I’ve always been a watch person, but I’m very particular about my watches. Two years ago I invested in a Michael Kors watch. That same year I invested in an Apple Watch. But since then, I haven’t found a watch I truly loved until this watch from JORD.

I love that the watch is made of wood. Like how freaking cool is that!? It adds a whole different element to an outfit, and it seamlessly fits into my hipster-y aesthetic.
The craftsmanship on this watch is truly incredible. From the clasp to the face, it’s truly stunning 😍And you know what the best part is? They adjust the length of the band to your measurements which that frustration of getting a watch and then having to go through the trouble of adjusting it yourself is completely gone.
2019 is the year of skincare. It’s one of my goals to understand my skin and curate a collection of skincare products that leave me with glistening, glowing, acne-free skin.
Although I haven’t quite nailed down the products, I’m proud of myself for applying my skincare almost every single night in the month of January. Go me.
Coffee & Chit Chat: Goals Update
Powersheets. Powersheets. Powersheets.
I’m really really really trying to get on top of my goals for 2019. I want 2019 to be the year where this blog turns into a profitable source of income, where I’m prioritizing my skin and health, and really nailing down what I want from my life.

Powersheets have truly changed the way I look at setting my goals. I was introduced to them by Slight Savvy, a publicist and influencer marketing strategist. She swears by Powersheets, so I invested a hefty $50 and bought a set for myself.
They take you through all aspects of your life to truly uncover what’s most important to you and what you want to focus on for the year. So far, I’m a month in and I love them. They keep me accountable for staying on track with my life. I’ll get into more specific goals next Coffee & Chit Chat, but for now, I’m headed in the right direction.
If you read this far, thanks for sticking with me through this super duper long Coffee & Chit Chat. I love your support, and don’t forget to enter the JORD giveaway! Let me know what you’ve been up to this year in the comments below 🙂
~ abigail gray