Healthy Spring Break Tips & Tricks
This post is sponsored by adidas. All opinions are my own. Thanks to you, I have the amazing opportunity to work with brands that I love, and in turn, collaborations like this make Living the Gray Life possible!

Ahh Spring Break. It’s a time where college students either take a trip they’ll remember forever or they’re sitting at home and working. There really is no in between.
Whether it’s at home or on a beach somewhere, it’s super easy to fall out of my daily routine of eating relatively healthy and hitting the gym. As a college senior, I feel that I have adequate experience doing the Spring Break thing to give some advice to not fall out of your routine for the week!
These tips & tricks can be used for any vacation you’re going on. Doesn’t just have to be for Spring Break!
Drink Plenty of H2O
day drinking + sitting on the beach all day = a recipe for dehydration
Always, always, always have more water than you think you need. When I was out on the beach all day (ugh plz take me back), I would have two 16 oz water bottles and a 32 oz water bottle.
Better safe than sorry when it comes to water. Plus, hydration will help you from being hungover, and everyone wants that, right?

Make Healthy Choices for Breakfast & Lunch
Starting out the day the right way in regards of nutrition will set you up for success for the rest of the day.
If I eat cinnamon rolls and sugar-filled cereals for breakfast, I’m much more likely to eat absolute garbage for the remainder of the day. I already blew my diet early in the day so what’s the point in eating better for the rest of the day?
Eating a balanced meal for breakfast and lunch will make you feel a little less guilty about drinking and night and/or consuming dessert. Although, you shouldn’t feel guilty at all because you’re on vacation and you earned it.
Do Something Active Every Day
Wether it’s walking to the beach, going for a walk on the beach, or taking a stroll after dinner, doing something active every single day will keep you from feeling like a total blob.
Like I’ve said before, a simple walk after dinner can really transform how you feel. Plus it gives you an activity to do that costs you zero dollars. Free is wonderful in my opinion!

Catch up on Sleep
Use your time off to catch up on sleep. Sleep is SUPER DUPER important for a healthy body and mind.
I usually feel guilty for sleeping in because I totally could’ve used that time to be a productive member of society. I could’ve written a blog post, gone to the gym, cleaned, log a few hours for my job, and really the activities I could’ve done are endless.
Sometimes I have to remind myself that sleep also makes me a productive member of society and I shouldn’t feel guilty for taking time for myself to sleep.
Enjoy Your Time Off
Set your out-of-office, turn off your email notifications, and just disconnect for the week. I cannot tell you how nice it was to not worry about work or school or the business side of the blog for an entire week.
I came back so refreshed at the end of Spring Break. I was ready to create content for the blog and dive head-first into my web development business. I wasn’t ready for school because #senioritis, haha.
I really think taking time off of everything and just focusing on yourself for however long your vacation is is a much-needed break in today’s culture. We are all so engulfed by this #NoDaysOff work culture. It’s not a great thing when it comes to mental health. So take that time off and don’t feel guilty!
I had such a blast in Miami for Spring Break this year. What a great way to end my college career! I’m going to be sharing more photos and stories about out trip in my next Coffee & Chit Chat post that will be coming out on Friday! Thank you so much for reading 🙂
~abigail gray
Check out some of my faves from adidas:
These two are currently en route to my house, and I cannot wait to get them!!