Graduation, Moving, & More Plants | Coffee & Chit Chat No. 12

Lot’s of things have happened since my last Coffee & Chit Chat post. Some good and some bad, but that’s life, right?
This post comes to you as my senior year of college is coming to a close. I’m about to graduate and be thrown into the real adult world. I’m so stoked but also terrified. Finding a job is proving to be a heck of a lot more of a struggle than I thought. Being an adult is expensive, and I’m ready to have some income that’s more than $300 a month.
Before I start rambling too much, let’s get into things!
Potato is Missing…
I wrote the following on April 16th when I was working on the original draft of this post:
I’m starting out with the sad news first. Just to get it out of the way so we can focus on happy things!
If you don’t know, Potato is my cat that showed up at my house one day and we took him in. He showed up a week before Tom, my first cat, passed away suddenly back in January. Potato was my comfort through such a difficult time with losing Tom.
Potato likes to go on several day adventures around my neighborhood. He will disappear for a few days at a time, but usually he comes back one morning, meowing at the door, and absolutely starving. He went on an adventure two weeks ago and he hasn’t come back.
He’s an independent outdoor cat so I know he can handle himself outdoors. After all, he lived 10 months outside without a family. I can only hope he’s alive and well. Maybe he has another family that adopted him. Maybe he’s just on a kitty adventure to Europe or something. He’s chipped with my information so hopefully, if someone finds him, he will make his way back to me.
After losing Tom back in January and now Potato just 3 months later, I’m struggling. Loss is hard, and it’s even harder when it happens so close together.
On the bright side, Brad and I are getting two kittens at the end of May/beginning of June. We’re thinking of calling them Bacon and Eggs. I am so excited because life without cats is not a life I want to live.
Guess who showed up at my door on the night of the 16th. Freaking Potato. He was covered in dirt and fur. He ate 2 cans of cat food in under 3 hours. He didn’t leave my side for over 24 hours. I think it’s safe to say Potato is back home for good!
I’m Moving!
I was 100% not planning on moving any time soon, but here I am moving again. Originally I was going to stay in the house I’m in now until after graduation, after I found a job, and after Brad’s lease was up in June. Ideally I don’t want to stay here long-term because too many bad things have happened in this house and I’m ready to get away from that. Plus, this will be my 7th time moving in the span of 4 years, and to be quite honest, I’m ready to just settle somewhere for a bit.
Plans suddenly changed when Brad found an amazing listing on Zillow for a total steal. We looked at the house and signed papers two days later. I am so excited to show you the beautiful house I now get to call home for the foreseeable future! It’s got beautiful natural light, stunning hardwood floors, a gas cooktop, double sinks in the master bath, and a dedicated cat room. Yes, you read that right. A cat room. Oh my goodness I’m stoked.
House tours, DIYs, and room transformations will be coming your way all summer long!
Holy freaking moly I graduate in less than a month. May 11th cannot come soon enough LOL
I’m already in full senioritis mode… I honestly don’t care about class anymore, and I’m so ready to get going on the rest of my life. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love school… the note-taking, the organization, and the planners. But, I’m ready to be in a regular routine. Oh, and I’m ready to not be broke.
I’m actually not walking at graduation because I don’t want to sit there for three hours to wait for my name to be called nor do I want my parents and brother to sit there for three hours bored out of their minds. Instead, my parents are coming down that weekend and helping me move into my new place! That sounds like a much better way of celebrating my graduation than sitting there bored and annoyed for 3 hours.
I’m planing on taking graduation photos this weekend *hopefully* with my bestie Katie. I didn’t end up buying a cap and gown so she’s letting me borrow her’s. Can’t wait to share the photos with y’all!
New Instagram
Speaking of photos, I started a new Instagram just for all my pictures of plants, cats, and coffee! It’s mainly for all of the photos that don’t make it on @livingthegraylife. I know y’all don’t want to be spammed with plant photos all day every day. Plus, this gives me an opportunity to work on growing another social media platform.
I’m excited for the new account, and I cannot wait to share all my plant photos with you!
Web Development & New Blog Theme
I am the queen of constantly changing up my blog theme… I can’t help it! I’ve just never been 100% happy with the standard blog layout of the posts on the left and a sidebar on the right. It’s so average… I wanted something a little different that would catch people’s eye and make them want to read more!
I developed this theme, and I’m so thrilled with how it turned out. The homepage is by far my favorite, and I think it’s a great way of making my content new and fresh.
Speaking of developing themes… if you’re in the need of a new blog theme and/or website, please hit me up! I’m doing freelance web development for a while after I graduate until I find a full-time job. Or maybe this web development thing will turn into my full-time job!
But in all seriousness, I would love to work with you and help you make your blog shine!
Well, that wraps up another coffee & chit chat post! I hope you enjoyed, and I am so excited for what the rest of 2019 is going to bring. I can’t wait to bring you along on my move, sharing my adventures with two new kittens, and how I transition into actual adult life!
Thank you so much for reading & I love y’all so much!!
~abigail gray