Fall Food Favorites
I don’t know about you, but I love fall and Halloween. Since it’s October, it’s officially time to break out the fall food. Although the Pumpkin Spice Latte has been out for a while at Starbucks, I just now started getting into the fall food spirit. I’ve compiled an entire list of my favorite fall foods, from drinks(non-alcoholic of course) to desserts.
Call me a #commonwhitegirl, but I love pumpkin. Pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin tea, pumpkin pie. You name it and it’s pumpkin, I probably will love it. Now, I’m not a big fan of the Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks. There’s no flavor to it, and have you seen the color of it?? There’s no way I need to put that in my body.
I went to Target a couple of weeks ago, and I left with $60 worth of food. How? I have no idea. I didn’t even buy that much stuff! But, I did pick up Dunkin’ Doughnuts Pumpkin Spice ground coffee. I tried it for the first time two weeks ago, and it’s delicious. It smells amazing and it tastes even better. I would’ve opted for the Archer Farms Pumpkin Spice coffee but they were all sold out. Imagine that. Plus the Dunkin’ was cheaper and as a college student on a budget, cheap is always better (even if it really isn’t. You just have to mentally think, “Oh my gosh these knock-off Oreo’s are so much better.” No one would say that. Ever. Unless you like the knock-off Oreo’s).
I also picked up some Pumpkin Spice tea. I had no idea this even existed, but for some reason, on that particular day I was just buying everything labeled ‘pumpkin spice’. I’m not a tea conossiour so I’m just going to describe it by what it says on the box. This is TAZO’s pumpkin spice tea. It’s basically a black tea with pumpkin spice flavors. It’s delicious and smells equally as amazing. 100% recommend

PUMPKIN BREAD. This needed an all-capital title. I live for pumpkin bread. Bread, muffins, scones. It’s all delicious. My mom makes this amazing pumpkin bread, and sadly I won’t be home this year to enjoy it… I love how the texture of pumpkin baked goods. It’s not too cake-y or bread-like. Instead, it’s almost doughy. Whatever it is, it’s perfect. The above picture came from Damn Delicious. Go check out the recipe!
Chicken and wild rice soup is another one of my favorites. I love this any time of the year, but it’s great for those cool, fall days. Panera has a great version of this soup, but I always prefer to make my own. Not only is it better for you, but it’s also a cheaper alternative. I usually make it based off the recipe on the back of the wild rice package, but if you want a really delicious version, check out this version from Cooking Classy. This one’s amazing. Just ignore the amount of cream. You won’t even care about that once you taste it.
After writing this, I realized that 95% of the stuff I mentioned were pumpkin related foods and drinks. I guess maybe you could call me a #commonwhitegirl. Check out my post covering the big deal about pumpkin spice.
What are your favorite fall foods? Anything that you look forward to besides pumpkin? Let me know in the comments below! And if you have any delicious fall recipes, let me know!
-Abigail T.