Christmas Dorm Decor
It’s December 1st! Well, when I’m writing this it’s December 1st… That means it’s time for holiday everything. Music, decorations, and sweaters. I wanted to add some festivity to my dorm room, but because I’m limited on space, a Christmas tree just isn’t feasible. All of these decorations are made strictly with construction paper or plain printer paper. Why spend a ton on decorations when you’re just going to have to store them in your already small dorm room? Not only do the decorations take up little to no space, they’re also recyclable. When the holiday season is over, you can just throw these little guys in the recycle bin! (Not the trash. We’re trying to be environmentally friendly here.)
Before I begin, I want to apologize for how not in focus some of the images are. I tried my best to get sharp images, but my camera just did not want to cooperate with me.
Santa Hat
Santa hats are my favorite thing to make. These are so versatile, and you can put them basically anywhere. I actually have a skeleton from Halloween still hanging outside of my door, and I made a Santa hat for him. Now he’s no longer a Halloween decoration. He’s all Christmas!

I love wreaths and this one is super easy to make and a lot of fun. You can make this in a bunch of different sizes, but I opted for a smaller one.

I decided to attach both my wreath and my Santa hat to my monogrammed door sign that I made a the beginning of the school year. If you want to see how I made that, click HERE.
I love how festive this makes the door. The slightest bit of decoration can really go a long way.
Christmas Tree
Instead of having a miniature Christmas tree, I decided to make one out of paper. This saves a whole lot of space both during the holiday season and after when you have to store the tree. I have a miniature tree for my room at home, and I can’t wait to put it up when I go back home for Christmas!
I didn’t do a tutorial on this one because it would have taken forever, and I think you can make a Christmas tree any way you really want. For this one, I just cut out a triangle of green paper, taped a rectangle of brown paper at the bottom for the trunk, and then cut out wavy pieces of red paper for the garland. I actually really like how this one turned out. The presents aren’t the best, but hey, it’s made out of construction paper.
Paper Snowflakes
Whenever I think of paper snowflakes, I imagine that scene in Elf where Buddy completely covers the entire NYC apartment in paper snowflakes. Not only are paper snowflakes festive, they’re also not strictly Christmas related so that means you can keep them up longer! Everyone loves that!
ChiWei over at One Dog Woof made these adorable paper snowflakes! These would be a great option for a dorm room because 1. they’re not permanent and 2. they don’t take up a lot of space.
Christmas Cards
I LOVE CHRISTMAS CARDS. The ones at Target this year are stunningly beautiful and I just can’t get enough of them. Now I know I said this post only contained things you could make with construction paper or printer paper, but I just couldn’t pass up on decorating with Christmas cards.
I found these in the Target Dollar Spot for $3. I love the modern feel to them. These would be perfect to hang up on the wall in a frame or just display around your room. You can also hang up Christmas cards that your friends and family send you! It’s a perfect way to add festivity to a small space.
Do you have any suggestions when it comes to decorating your dorm room for the holidays? Happy Holidays!!
-Abigail T.