May Favorites
We’ve made it to the end of another month, and you know what that means! It’s monthly favorites time! As I say every month, this past month has been insanely busy and I can’t believe it’s almost June. Wasn’t Christmas just yesterday? May is by far one of my favorite months. It signifies the end of the school year, the beginning of summer, and happy hour Sonic slushy runs. Alright well let’s stop talking about how fast life is moving and let’s get right into my May favorites!
As I said before, this month has been crazy. I honestly can’t believe it’s been ONE YEAR since I graduated high school. In some ways it feels like high school was decades ago, but it also feels like it was just last week. At the beginning of the month I finished all of my finals and moved out of my dorm. And, I am so thrilled to no longer be living in that environment. My newsletter launched May 4th, aka Star Wars day, and it’s become one of my favorite ways to connect with you all! It goes live every Wednesday at 10 AM, so if you want to stay up to date on behind the scenes stuff, sign up here! After I moved back home, I came down with some awful sickness. My throat was so swollen and lumpy that whenever the doctor would look at it, the reaction was “eeeeehhhh.” That’s when you know. Two weeks later, I finally got over whatever it was. I started a personal training regimen, and oh my gosh I am so freaking sore. Walking is proving to be a daily struggle. But, I’m already seeing results, and I couldn’t be happier! Finally, my internship started. It’s so much fun to be working in the computing environment! I am struggling with trying to find time to do everything I want to though. Balancing a 9-5 job, 6 AM training sessions, blogging, and seeing friends is really hard!
#amianadultyet if I include a laundry hamper in my monthly favorites? I’ve included some weird stuff before in my favorites posts, but I think this one takes the cake.
I found this hamper at Tuesday Morning for only $13! Ok, well it’s not even really a hamper, but it works as one. I love the color and pattern. It’s simple and neutral, and it will basically go with any sort of decor. It’s doing well holding all of my clothes.
I can eat these seriously all freaking day. They’re crunchy like a chip but sweet like dessert and wow.
I’ve had them before and have been craving them for a while. When I found them at Costco the other day, I had to have them. I leave the whole bag in my desk at work for an easy, yet healthy snack!
Be prepared. There are going to be countless posts on how much I use/love my bullet journal. I’ve heard about bullet journaling for a while, and finally took the plunge and started one.
I don’t know why I haven’t used one before. It’s the perfect way for me to combine my love of planning, doodling, and hand lettering. Needless to say, I’m never going back to a traditional planner ever again.
Guys I am so pale. I am so pale that the lightest shade of foundation is sometimes too dark for me. During the summer, I need a little help from self-tanners because I do not want to glow every time I walk outside.
I found this self-tanner about a year ago, and I love it! I was looking for an alternative to the Jergen’s Gradual Self-Tanner. This one does the trick! It doesn’t make me look orange, and the smell isn’t bad. What’s your favorite self-tanner?
Finding a new coffee always seems to be a struggle. Either it’s too light or too dark. I’ve struggled for almost a year trying to find one that I really love. Well, I found this one at Target (duh because it’s Target brand) and it’s my new favorite!
LOL ALRIGHT SO HUGE BLOGGING FAIL ON MY PART. I went to take a picture of this and turns out my parents had already emptied it into another container and thrown away the bag….
It’s not too dark, has just the right bite to it, and fulfills my caffeine kick in the mornings. What’s your favorite brand/kind of coffee?
I doing a Q&A for my 1 year blogiversary on June 4th, so please please please submit your questions for me! (I’ve even provided a handy-dandy little contact form for you) If you leave your name, I’ll mention you in the post!
~abigail gray
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