2018 Year in Review

Happy freaking 2019!!
Before I start freaking out about all of the crazy life changes that are about to happen to me this year (hello graduation, getting a real job, moving), I should at least reflect on all that 2018 had to offer.
2018 was a pretty okay year for me. Sure there were ups and there were downs, but it was about an even amount of both. Honestly, after some of the years I’ve had, I’ll take 2018 again and again and again.
I’m sure you’ve seen posts like this floating around the blogging world, so here I am adding another one to the pile. Genuinely I think that posts like these are a wonderful way to take a moment out of my day to day routine and just reflect on just how great my life truly is. It gives an opportunity for appreciating all the growth I made over the past year and allows me to set some goals for the future. I’m all about goal setting… it’s super helpful and motivating.
Okay, let’s dive into what 2018 had to offer!
Meeting Caitlyn
2018 started out strong when Caitlyn came to visit me in Knoxville! She’s the first blogger I met in real life, and to say that we are basically the same person is an understatement. It’s so amazing how the internet brings people together, and it’s even better when those people share the same passions and drive as you do.
Related: Bloggers Take Knoxville
Spring Break in Panama City Beach
This was the best trip I’ve ever taken in my entire life. It was absolutely all over the place, and I genuinely feel like I lived the typical college experience in a span of 5 days. That’s all I really want to say about it LOL
Launching Strong & Confident

Strong & Confident is my first workout program e-book. I’m not a fitness professional, but I wanted to write out a 4-week workout program that I actually do myself because I get questions a lot about what workouts I do, etc. This was a huge accomplishment for me, and I’m so glad people have enjoyed it!
Related: Strong & Confident
Weekend Trip to Wilmington
My dad’s cousin lives in Wilmington with her husband and two kids. They were super welcoming when I asked if we could come hang for the weekend. Lot’s of sunshine was enjoyed and a major major sunburn was achieved.
Gabby + Charlotte = An Amazing Day
I absolutely knew that I had to meet Gabby this year before she headed up to NYC. She went to undergrad at
Related: Day Trip to Charlotte with Gabby
Tom the Cat
Never in my right mind did I think I’d be getting a cat in 2018. I thought it was a goal for maybe 3-5 years down the road… but my boyfriend had other ideas. He wanted to get me a cat for my birthday, and it’s the best thing that’s happened to me. I love coming home to Tom and it genuinely gives me a purpose for each and every day.
Twenty-FUN aka Turning 21 – July
They say turning 21 is not really anything different and it’s not all that big of a deal. But I am here to say I freaking love being able to go to the store and buy a bottle of wine or come home after a stressful day and have a drink. It’s amazing.
August – October
Sponsored Posts
Sponsored content is a controversial topic in the online blogger/Instagrammer/YouTuber world. Some people love it, some people hate it, but guess what? It’s actually a vital part of anyone who does stuff online. Of
I’ve had the opportunity to work with some amazing brands this year. The one partnership that I am most proud of is working with

Related: 12 Days of Fitmas Workout
Fitness Content
After my slight fitness breakdown over the summer, I finally got back into the groove and consistently started going to the gym. During this time I also became more comfortable sharing my workouts online and even filming the in the gym. A huge goal for 2019 is to purposefully record workouts as much as possible… instead of doing it whenever.
Getting an IUD
I finally took control of my health this year. More specifically, my uterus. I was sick and tired of taking a pill every day that made me not feel like myself. Mood swings, depression, acne, and irritability that never went away. The IUD was the most painful experience I’ve ever been through, but it was the best decision I’ve made for myself in a long long time.
Related: My IUD Story
Another Successful Year of Blogger Secret Santa
A huge shoutout goes to all of the bloggers who participated in this year’s Blogger Secret Santa. I love the opportunity to create a way to bring bloggers together… after all, we all exist in this online space, and very rarely do we actually connect in our offline lives.
Related: 2018 Blogger Secret Santa
Of course 2018 would not have been the year it was without the support from you. Whether you’re a fellow blogger, friend, or casual reader, I do not go a day without thinking about how much I appreciate your support. I would not be where I am today without you!
Here’s to 2019!
~abigail gray